Magic Rush Wiki


Back row Marksman. Physical basic attack. Her ultimate can pull enemies into the center of the battlefield.


Power Field

Power Field

Sets up a magnetic field, drawing all enemies into it for some time and dealing physical damage

Magnet Rush

Magnet Rush

Shoots a magnetic warhead through the enemy, dealing physical damage and knocking them back

Magnet Barrage

Magnet Barrage

Shoots a lot of magnetic energy fragments, dealing physical damage to the enemy

Magnet Cluster

Magnet Cluster

Powerful magnetic forces increase Zoe's basic attack damage


Grey to Green

Green to Green + 1

Green + 1 to Blue

Blue to Blue + 1

Blue + 1 to Blue + 2

Blue + 2 to Purple

Purple to Purple +1

Purple + 1 to Purple + 2

Purple + 2 to Purple + 3

Purple +3 to Purple +4

Purple +4 to Orange

Orange to Orange +1

Orange +1 to Orange +2

Orange +2 to Orange +3

Orange +3 to Orange +4

Orange +4 to Orange +5


W G B B+2 P P+2 O
Hades' Fragarach Professor Boots Power of the Horde Starlight Phantom Blade Killer Blade Frost Wail

Soulstone Location[]

  • 7-4 Elite
  • 10-5 Legend
  • Diamond Wish


Best for:

  • High physical damage
  • Drawing all opponents together and into attack range with Power Field so that your other heroes can hit all opponents at once.

Best with:

  • Armor Reduction: Coco or Jolie
  • Area of Effect Damage
  • Stun (to prolong clumping)



